Streaming [verb]

Definition of Streaming:

flow from

Synonyms of Streaming:

Opposite/Antonyms of Streaming:

Sentence/Example of Streaming:

His royal blood was streaming from his nose in great abundance.

The tears were streaming down his face: 'It was jes' like ye, Sammy, to send fo' me.

She noticed that the sun's rays were streaming in the girl's face.

He looked at his hands, fancying that blood was streaming from them.

Before him was smiling country, streaming with sunshine, lazy with quietude.

Tears were streaming down his cheeks as he stepped again into the street!

Tears were streaming down her face but she didn't think of using her handkerchief.

He was as fond of running, streaming water as any young fry.

Her hair, streaming down in a sodden mass, was matted with blood.

But above, to right, to left, down the long meadow the moonlight was streaming.