Consistency [noun]

Definition of Consistency:


Synonyms of Consistency:

Opposite/Antonyms of Consistency:

Sentence/Example of Consistency:

Any resemblance of consistency was abandoned due to internal strife.

In lowering barriers to the exchange of information, the government says, it hopes to increase the quality and consistency of data it holds.

To ensure some consistency in the results, we asked each person to consider a standard set of questions about their design.

However, no matter what platform you choose it’s necessary to understand the importance of consistency.

Whether you’re creating optimized content or leveraging link building, ensure consistency to retain online visibility and SERP rankings.

The second — that no set of axioms can prove its own consistency — easily follows.

It might be that generic traffic is declining due to less search interest, but if you have been building a strong brand you see consistency here.

When first seen it is said to have had a pasty consistency, but on exposure to the air it dried and crumbled into powder.

Economy was his strong point and he observed it in his public and private life with meritorious consistency.

A vow may sometimes be sinful, notwithstanding the use of the utmost care to make it in consistency with the calls of duty.