expiate [verb]

Definition of expiate:

To atone for or make amends for (guilt or wrongdoing), often by suffering or punishment.

Synonyms of expiate:

Opposite/Antonyms of expiate:

Sentence/Example of expiate:

She felt the need to expiate her sins by volunteering at the local homeless shelter.

The defendant sought to expiate his crimes by confessing to the authorities.

His generous donations were seen as a way to expiate his guilt over past wrongdoings.

The ritual was performed annually to expiate the sins of the community.

He hoped his sincere apology would help expiate the hurt feelings he had caused.

The monks believed fasting and prayer could expiate personal failings.

She dedicated her life to charitable work as a way to expiate her privileged upbringing.

In some cultures, a ceremonial sacrifice is believed to expiate evil spirits.

The company donated a significant portion of its profits to expiate its environmental impact.

He performed countless acts of kindness to expiate the guilt he felt for neglecting his family.