Penance [noun]

Definition of Penance:

reparation for wrong

Opposite/Antonyms of Penance:

Sentence/Example of Penance:

He forced himself to face them regularly as a penance and a corrective.

I say because it is a part of my penance for the sin which I have sinned.

"No penance at all, I assure you," answered Peter with something like a smile.

Let not the penance for a rashness, to which fate urges me on, attach to my country, but to me.

I suppose he's going to keep me waiting for days, as a penance.

In prayer and penance and fasting he would find help and consolation.

It's only a life of penance and suffering you've come back to, my poor lad.

There's nothing but prayer and penance and fasting left to us, is there?

"But perhaps he staid all night at his penance in the church," said the Father.

Your penance, my son, shall be of the same kind with your offence.