Punishment [noun]

Definition of Punishment:


Opposite/Antonyms of Punishment:

Sentence/Example of Punishment:

Our mission is not punishment, but the rectification of wrong.

All very well to say there would be no punishment; their unhappiness was the punishment.

It is permissible to say that there is no such thing as punishment; there are only wrong results.

I revert, then, to my statement that God's relation to punishment is chiefly verbal.

The preacher was trying to explain to us the eternal duration of God's punishment.

I was afraid to set the weights down for fear of detection and punishment.

Sin brings its punishment, and it is hard work, bearing its burden!

He richly deserved the punishment, but God would not have struck him that way.

They were not fonder of the lock-up than are most boys who deserve that punishment.

But the discovery and punishment of the other guilty ones will.