morose [adjective]

Definition of morose:

showing a brooding ill humor

Synonyms of morose:

Opposite/Antonyms of morose:

Sentence/Example of morose:

After the team lost the championship, the players were morose and silent.

Her morose demeanor made it clear that she was not enjoying the party.

He sat in his room, feeling morose about the missed opportunity.

The gray, rainy weather matched her morose mood.

Despite the celebration, he remained morose, thinking about his troubles.

The morose expression on his face worried his friends.

She was morose for days after the breakup.

His morose attitude was contagious, bringing down the whole group.

He became morose when he thought about his financial problems.

The morose atmosphere in the house was palpable after the argument.

She tried to cheer him up, but he remained morose.

The movie had a morose tone, focusing on the protagonist's hardships.

The dog's morose eyes seemed to reflect the sadness in the family.

His morose silence spoke volumes about his inner turmoil.

The funeral left everyone feeling morose and reflective.

She wrote in her journal, her thoughts dark and morose.

His morose reaction to the good news puzzled his friends.

The artist's morose paintings depicted scenes of loneliness and despair.

He felt morose after reading the tragic news story.

Her morose personality made it difficult for her to make friends.

The morose music set the mood for the somber event.

His morose outlook on life made him a difficult companion.

She couldn't shake off her morose thoughts, even during happy moments.

The novel's morose ending left readers feeling despondent.

Despite the festive season, he remained morose, haunted by past regrets.

But Robin didn't laugh; his eyes, morose and cynical, held her there.

It made him morose and gloomy, a man of one idea, to be shunned.

He was tired and morose, and a settled worry clouded his face.

Even the Terrace was dusty, and the Members rusty and morose.

She unbound and bound him in sections, as it were; he watching her with a morose smile.

Stephen, taking his cue from his sister, was morose and silent, also.

And the rest of the journey to the store was made in morose silence.

These men grow restless and morose in the cities, which seldom hold them long.

It will be far better than if I were present to silence the mirth with my morose presence.

Ananda is a better boon companion, He is not so morose as Devadatta.S.