Principally [adverb]

Definition of Principally:


Opposite/Antonyms of Principally:


Sentence/Example of Principally:

I landed twice in this way, but the danger was principally in the first affair.

The giver and the accepter are principally answerable in an unjust donation.

I am told that these people now on board are principally from the South of England?

Education was principally for those who expected to become priests or monks.

During the collation the conversation was principally military.

He has something of the King about him, principally in his glance and smile.

This plant is found on rich lawns recently manured, but principally on dung.

It's principally on his account that I'm tryin' to stick it out for the month.

Nellie did most of the talking thereafter; principally about George, and why he did not come.

I refused to say Thursday, principally because he had said it first.