Prophet [noun]

Definition of Prophet:

person, thing that predicts future

Synonyms of Prophet:

Opposite/Antonyms of Prophet:


Sentence/Example of Prophet:

Was there no prophet, no redemption, no mediator for such as these?

At best they can only interpret the mind of the prophet, and can have no objective value.

I'm willing to risk my reputation as a prophet and say that the dawn will come with rain.

But a pig is only the unclean animal—the forbidden of the prophet.

Any fool of a prophet must hit the bull's eye at least once in a life.

Thus Boxtel, with jealous foreboding, became the prophet of his own misfortune.

P'rhaps by the time I get there I shall have growed into a prophet.'

A prophet said of old: “Let not your hands be weak; your work shall be rewarded.”

Realizing there was no capital or prophet in his own country, he took passage to Spain.

Is there not, among those books, some account of the prophet Issa?