amorous [adjective]

Definition of amorous:

  • Showing, feeling, or relating to sexual desire or love.
  • Strongly moved by love and especially sexual love.

Synonyms of amorous:

Opposite/Antonyms of amorous:

Sentence/Example of amorous:

He sent her an amorous letter expressing his deep feelings.

The couple exchanged amorous glances throughout the evening.

She received an amorous poem from a secret admirer.

His amorous advances were politely declined.

The movie depicted an amorous affair between the two protagonists.

They shared an amorous embrace under the moonlight.

His amorous intentions were clear from the way he looked at her.

She was flattered by his amorous compliments.

The play featured several amorous scenes.

He whispered amorous words in her ear.

Their amorous relationship was the talk of the town.

The letter was filled with amorous declarations of love.

She was charmed by his amorous nature.

They enjoyed an amorous rendezvous at the secluded beach.

His amorous gaze made her blush.

The song had an amorous melody that set the mood.

She rejected his amorous proposal, saying they should remain friends.

He wrote an amorous note and slipped it into her locker.

Their amorous adventures were the stuff of legends.

The novel is full of amorous escapades and romantic twists.