coquetry [noun]

Definition of coquetry:

Flirtatious behavior or actions typically carried out to attract admiration or affection without serious intentions.

Synonyms of coquetry:

Opposite/Antonyms of coquetry:

Sentence/Example of coquetry:

Her coquetry at the party caught everyone's attention.

The novel's protagonist was known for her charming coquetry.

He mistook her coquetry for genuine affection.

Coquetry was an art she had perfected over the years.

Their conversation was filled with playful coquetry.

The actress's coquetry on screen captivated the audience.

His coquetry was a source of amusement for his friends.

The coquetry in her tone was hard to miss.

Despite her coquetry, she had no intention of leading him on.

Her coquetry made her a popular figure at social gatherings.

The coquetry between them was obvious to everyone.

Her coquetry was part of her charm and allure.

His coquetry was met with mixed reactions.

She used coquetry to get what she wanted.

The coquetry in his eyes suggested more than he was saying.

Her coquetry was subtle yet effective.

The coquetry in their exchange hinted at mutual attraction.

His coquetry often got him into trouble.

She couldn't help but engage in a bit of coquetry with him.

Her coquetry was seen as a sign of her confidence.