Earnestness [noun]

Definition of Earnestness:

determination; seriousness

Opposite/Antonyms of Earnestness:

Sentence/Example of Earnestness:

The final decision rests with states, which have been planning in earnest in recent weeks to get shots into arms.

Those spending negotiations are expected to begin in earnest this week as lawmakers work to cobble together a massive package wrapping up the 12 annual must-pass spending bills that fund government agencies.

His “Take Me, I Love You” borrows Madison Avenue’s tools to make a pitch that’s earnest and even cosmic.

Target is taking that one step further by setting up an online reservation system to allow people to get dibs on a spot in a line before leaving their homes on busy shopping days in the holiday season, which is getting started in earnest now.

Stimulus talks might be bogged down, but investors are getting excited for earnings season, which kicks off in earnest tomorrow.

When I look at some of these clips of Miller, especially when he was younger, it’s so hard tell where the trolling ends and the earnest beliefs begin.

It’s only recently that chief executives have begun to champion social causes in earnest, a conversion Fortune has been keen on chronicling.

When she posted her version, which had a Chicago spin, on Instagram, she received an overwhelming response from friends telling her to consider pursuing the craft in earnest.

It has always been considered a matter of if, and not when, Nintendo would begin capitalizing in earnest on content from beyond the SNES generation.

The FiveThirtyEight NFL prediction model, which launches in earnest next week, doesn’t think the post-Brady Patriots will tumble to the bottom of the league quite yet.