ensconce [verb]

Definition of ensconce:

  • To settle securely or snugly in a comfortable or safe place.
  • To establish or place (someone or something) firmly in a particular position.

Synonyms of ensconce:

Opposite/Antonyms of ensconce:

Sentence/Example of ensconce:

She ensconced herself in the cozy armchair with a good book.

The cat was ensconced on the windowsill, basking in the sunlight.

He ensconced his valuables in a hidden safe.

They ensconced themselves in a quiet corner of the library.

The soldiers ensconced themselves in the fortified bunker.

She was ensconced behind her desk, working diligently.

He ensconced himself in his room to study for the exams.

The couple ensconced themselves in their new home with great excitement.

The statue was ensconced in the center of the garden.

They ensconced their camping gear in a sheltered spot.

She ensconced herself under the blankets on the chilly night.

He was ensconced in his office, surrounded by papers and books.

The company ensconced its headquarters in the bustling downtown area.

The treasure was ensconced in a hidden cave.

She ensconced her feelings deep inside, not letting anyone see her pain.

The king was ensconced on his throne, addressing the court.

He ensconced the painting securely on the wall.

The family ensconced themselves in the cabin for the weekend.

The old manuscripts were ensconced in a temperature-controlled room.

She ensconced herself in the hammock, enjoying the afternoon breeze.