flippant [adjective]

Definition of flippant:

  • Not showing a serious or respectful attitude
  • showing inappropriate levity.

Synonyms of flippant:

Opposite/Antonyms of flippant:

Sentence/Example of flippant:

His flippant remarks during the meeting offended some of his colleagues.

She gave a flippant response when asked about the seriousness of the situation.

I was taken aback by his flippant attitude towards such an important matter.

Instead of addressing the issue seriously, he responded in a flippant manner.

The teacher warned the student not to be so flippant during class discussions.

Her flippant remarks about the project's importance upset the team.

The politician's flippant comments about the economy drew criticism from experts.

Despite the seriousness of the court proceedings, he remained flippant throughout.

His flippant behavior towards his superiors cost him his job.

She regretted her flippant remark as soon as it left her mouth.