Guarantee [noun]

Definition of Guarantee:

pledge, promise

Synonyms of Guarantee:

Opposite/Antonyms of Guarantee:

Sentence/Example of Guarantee:

Without independent fact-checking, there is no guarantee that what GPT-3 says, even if it “sounds right,” is actually true.

This caused tension with Outbrain, which didn’t pull away from its existing guarantee deals, according to a person familiar with the company.

So there is the risk that anyone could come in, and there is not guarantee.

So he took another big risk, choosing not only to transfer but to do so with no guarantee that the football team would take him.

It has come amid a wave of claims by federal lawmakers who are pushing for a probe into China’s lending practices to Nigeria, in the wake of a sovereign guarantee clause in loan agreements that has been erroneously interpreted.

With the world’s biggest power disregarding rules that it set, and turning away from security guarantees it offered others for decades, expect a fresh nuclear race.

However, be aware that appearing in paid search is no guarantee of success—the customer could still opt for another brand.

There is no guarantee a limited action would not escalate into something bigger, nor that India’s friends and partners, including the US, would support such a move.

While there is no guarantee that the Featured snippet will be yours thanks to structured data, the rich snippets alone make it a worthy investment of your time.

Finding RNA or pieces of a virus is no guarantee that the virus is “live,” or infectious, he concludes.