Contract [noun]

Definition of Contract:

agreement, deal

Synonyms of Contract:

Opposite/Antonyms of Contract:

Sentence/Example of Contract:

When that contract expired, the Secret Service signed another for 16 more nights, until April 15, according to copies of the contracts released by the Secret Service.

From revised search warrant protocols to contracting social workers, the policy changes are a start but could go much further.

They don’t have a ton of room to maneuver, either, with the contracts they’re still on the hook for.

The relatively small Air Force contracts aren’t for the actual delivery of a finished supersonic aircraft.

This is a questionable claim, because EU privacy law allows data transfers to anywhere as long as they are “necessary” to fulfill the contract between the user and provider—and the processing of emails is pretty fundamental for an email service.

Palantir has been successful in bidding for government contracts, especially recently.

It was common for publishers to switch between Outbrain and Taboola once their contracts were up.

Still, that didn’t stop it being adopted by the Sovereign Citizens, a cultish group that believed his unintelligible language was the key to freeing themselves from the “contracts” that require them to pay taxes and follow the law.

Sussman, a 44-year-old pathologist, was working under contract as a part-time medical director at four of Physicians Premier’s other locations.

After the ruling, the government requested to revisit the contract and allow bidders to revise the problematic part of that pricing scenario.