Ill [adjective]

Definition of Ill:


Opposite/Antonyms of Ill:






Sentence/Example of Ill:

A study in the Netherlands found that most patients who have been ill for 10 days are already making their own antibodies against the virus.

None have been proven yet, and much of the federal and private funding for clinical trials has gone for treating the severely ill.

In places where most people wore masks, those who did get infected seemed dramatically less likely to get severely ill compared to places with less mask-wearing.

The following day he felt ill and tested positive for the coronavirus.

Volunteers who were either ill, recovered or healthy all coughed at about the same velocity.

A third trial aims to study whether the therapy helps the illest of patients.

According to Kwame, his mom became ill with just mild symptoms two weeks ago, but she still showed up for her nursing shift at Jacobi, where she used to oversee the nursing staff in the psych ward.

Published online March 16, it followed the health of 2,143 children — babies to teens — who fell ill with the virus.

Missing out on trips and activities, and fear of grandparents falling ill.

At the same time, I think we also have to avoid the error of saying there’s no increased risk at all among the mentally ill.