Missus [noun]

Definition of Missus:


Synonyms of Missus:

Opposite/Antonyms of Missus:


Sentence/Example of Missus:

His account of what had happened after the death of "the Missus" only confirmed my fears.

Say, Missus, didn't de Sheriff say dat was a perfec' likeness?

"Ax the missus for soap to wash 'em," said Matthew, with a grin.

Yes, I consent to take you out; I don't mind owning you for my missus.

He must have hooked his missus's stocking with all the savings gained at very hard work.

But his missus is always plaguing him to take her to Europe, and that game.

His missus was too big to call on your mother—she'll call on you, though, you go bail.

Besides, Tom was a-worrited with his missus, Tom was, and happen that was worse nor his cold.

"We must invite him to the station, missus," he said to his wife the evening after that event.

This was Mrs. Whyte or, as Oliver fondly calls her, "the missus."