subterfuge [noun]

Definition of subterfuge:

  • Deceit used in order to achieve one's goal.
  • A trick or dishonest way of achieving something.

Synonyms of subterfuge:

Opposite/Antonyms of subterfuge:

Sentence/Example of subterfuge:

The spy used subterfuge to infiltrate the enemy base undetected.

Her claim of being sick was nothing but a subterfuge to avoid going to the meeting.

The politician's subterfuge was eventually uncovered by investigative journalists.

He employed subterfuge to gain access to the restricted area.

The company's financial subterfuge led to a major scandal when it was revealed.

Under the guise of friendship, he used subterfuge to gather information about his rival.

The magician's act was filled with subterfuge, leaving the audience baffled.

Their subterfuge was clever, but it didn't last long under scrutiny.

She relied on subterfuge to escape from the tight spot she found herself in.

The detective saw through the subterfuge and uncovered the real motive behind the crime.

He resorted to subterfuge to hide his true intentions from his colleagues.

The use of subterfuge in negotiations is often frowned upon but not uncommon.

The plan was full of subterfuge, designed to mislead their opponents.

Despite their subterfuge, the truth eventually came to light.

The novel's plot was built around the subterfuge of its main characters.

There is not a subterfuge or an evasion or a small mean deceit in her soul.

There might be no subterfuge in answer to words so earnest, and Mr. Galloway did not attempt any.

She had never been hard upon female trickery and subterfuge.

Do you descend, sir, to a subterfuge, when I ask you for an explanation?

We must procure the key from the prelate by some subterfuge.

It was only his subterfuge—he thought Pete would not marry without him.

Colonel Pride's name is on the package, but may not that be a subterfuge?

Every lie, trick, subterfuge you can imagine, was practised on poor me.

You would n't be a Frenchman if you had n't a subterfuge to escape a meeting!

This man had presented his innermost self unclothed by any subterfuge.