Depriving [verb]

Definition of Depriving:

keep or take away something wanted, needed

Synonyms of Depriving:

Opposite/Antonyms of Depriving:

Sentence/Example of Depriving:

It is withering me up—it is destroying my self-respect, my very decency; it is depriving me of my power to act, or even to think.

By removing this duty he did not conceive that he was depriving agriculture of any protection.

Vulgarisms, which creep in nobody knows how, are daily depriving the English language of valuable modes of expressing thought.

They carried bills preventing contractors from sitting in parliament and depriving revenue officers of the franchise.

"Then you are depriving me of a great happiness," I softly answered.

Mahmoud was bent on depriving them of their wealth and curtailing their privileges.

She confessed being accessory to the making of images, with the intention of depriving Sir George Maxwell of life.

You are not content with depriving us of our rights, and our fortunes, with forcing us back to an allegiance we despise.

I still looked on her as insanely depriving me of my glory, the world of the benefit for a mere narrow scruple.

But the doctors have always said that my mother would have another shock depriving her of speech.