Misbelief [noun]
Definition of Misbelief:
Synonyms of Misbelief:
● Bubble
● Chimera
● Daydream
● Delusion
● Error
● Fallacy
● Fancy
● Fantasy
● Ghost
● Image
● Mirage
● Mockery
● Myth
● Phantasm
● Rainbow
● Seeming
● Trip
● Idolism
Opposite/Antonyms of Misbelief:
Sentence/Example of Misbelief:
Joseph Glanvil is dead, and will not mind unbelief and misbelief and ridicule.
He would not, indeed, have any put to death or imprisoned for their misbelief.
He came to think religion a part of his royal prerogative, and misbelief treason against his royal person.
Ye do well to take yourself at the right stot when ye wrong Christ by doubting and misbelief.
I charge you by the mercies of God, be not that cruel to grace and the new birth as to cast water on your own coal by misbelief.
There is no more unfortunate mistake, and many a girl's health and happiness has been blasted because of this misbelief.
The only devil in this story is the devil of fearful ignorance and misbelief in Brother Martin.
Satur, procurator of Huneric, often spoke against Arian misbelief.
For first, (I), The text thus maimed afforded countenance to another form of misbelief.
O how thy most beauty hast thou lost for thy incredulity and misbelief!