Revenue [noun]

Definition of Revenue:

income, profit

Synonyms of Revenue:

Opposite/Antonyms of Revenue:




Sentence/Example of Revenue:

There is nothing to do but go over the revenue from the estate.

We saw the revenue button on his coat, so we brought him down.

We say, therefore, that governments must limit their expenditure to their revenue.

It was now Israel himself who suggested dubious means of revenue.

It was my only revenue, however, and I continued to live upon it somehow.

Revenue officers were to come to-morrow to search his house.

When every penny was gone he pledged his revenue in advance.

With regard to the other sources of revenue which I contemplate, I admit, it is different.

Any municipality with a revenue of £25,000 or above, is styled a "city."

The revenue of the country is, indeed, increasing, though slowly.