Chided [verb]

Definition of Chided:

criticize, lecture

Synonyms of Chided:

Opposite/Antonyms of Chided:

Sentence/Example of Chided:

In me he always showed a fatherly interest, and sometimes chided me for talking too freely and writing too much.

Upon his return home he narrated the particulars to his wife, who chided him sharply.

A new husband would have to be scolded—and gently chided—until he learns my ways.

“It is ill work to put the name of ‘enchantment’ against any mortal,” chided the priest.

Then she chided herself for the thought she had not uttered.

He recalled feeling the tension before the other three flights, then chided himself.

He had gone from the place which had grown so dear, and while pretty Marie wept, Helen chided her for her lack of fortitude.

The farmer chided her for her cold manner to her uncle, murmuring aside to her: "You heard what he said."

Suppose a small boy of sensitive nature to enter a room suddenly, and to be at once chided for his awkwardness.

"But the grizzly is grand in its den, dear," chided Dorothea Goodbody, a little louder.