Expectorations [noun]

Definition of Expectorations:


Synonyms of Expectorations:

Opposite/Antonyms of Expectorations:


Sentence/Example of Expectorations:

Truffaldino brought him the vessel, examined the expectoration, and found in it a mass of rancid rotten rhymes.

The patient was greatly distressed in breathing, in consequence of difficult expectoration.

Not a bad plan, in the circumstances,—especially if you have so wonderful a turn for expectoration by speech.

Towards the end of the year 1783, became affected with slight cough and expectoration of purulent matter.

His cough was particularly troublesome in the morning, and was relieved by a free expectoration of frothy mucus.

The expectoration is for the most part difficult, and consists of masses of mucus, either greyish, or tending to a black colour.

He had had, for a considerable time, a troublesome cough with tough expectoration.

Later the cough turns loose and the same expectoration occurs as in the severe type.

The back part of mouth next throat has a curious glazed appearance—no cough or expectoration.

Another is that none of us chew gum, carry around dogs, nor make expectoration the chief business of a day's outing.