Rail [verb]

Definition of Rail:

criticize harshly

Synonyms of Rail:

Opposite/Antonyms of Rail:

Sentence/Example of Rail:

It is an English habit to rail at the lavish expenditure of the French Government.

To use the one rein meant a crash into the rail, and surely death.

After he had gone, just as Allis was leaving the rail, she was again accosted; this time by Shandy.

Just watch the Indian, an' don't let him shut you in on the rail if you can help it.

"Wait, I'll come out;" and opening a door in the rail, he passed around to the girl.

Just see if the man you got this note from is behind the rail.

But there were as many others as could crowd along the rail.

"It is not well for men of one religion to rail at the men of another," he said gravely.

I leaped to the ground, tugged at a rail and threw one end off.

Instantly Nancy was over the rail and Tom was climbing down after her.