Relinquishment [noun]
Definition of Relinquishment:
Opposite/Antonyms of Relinquishment:
Sentence/Example of Relinquishment:
In return for the relinquishment Cullison had been released.
When he permits a driver to pass, there is a touch of the contemptuous in that relinquishment.
I understand that he purchased what is called a relinquishment.
He could not only sell me a relinquishment, but could also take my filing.
With the relinquishment of responsibility, she appeared to grow almost cheerful.
Is such the gain to accrue for the relinquishment of our souls?
Nor did I ever hold that such a relinquishment is anything but Christian opportunity.
Will you sign a relinquishment to your claim, and trust to me that it is the best for us to do?
I cannot understand the relinquishment of this plan after nine years' persistence in it.
La Peyrade departed, carrying with him the deed of relinquishment.