Speechless [adjective]

Definition of Speechless:

without ability to talk

Synonyms of Speechless:

Opposite/Antonyms of Speechless:

Sentence/Example of Speechless:

She was speechless; her raised hand did not fall; it was as if she were frozen where she stood.

We lifts him up, and he was speechless, and quite black in the face.

Hawkeye regarded the young man a moment in speechless amazement.

Bohun was speechless for a moment, stricken dumb by a second seizure of fury.

"S'long," said he, and left briskly, leaving Duncan speechless.

Smitten to the heart by a sudden and overwhelming remorse, Hetty was speechless.

Mosu lay before her, speechless with shame, and begged her to forgive him.

She did not speak, and I, speechless, held her to my breast.

The corporal stared at Fandor, speechless, absolutely dumbfounded.

The children were speechless with admiration and wonder, as they well might be.