Trench [noun]

Definition of Trench:

ditch, channel dug in earth

Synonyms of Trench:

Opposite/Antonyms of Trench:


Sentence/Example of Trench:

And to all who showed above the trench the danger was great.

The captured first trench was utilized by the attacking force.

A few minutes only and the first Russian trench line was reached.

Then it was up and down the trench again for another hour or so.

A Roman trench and a Norman keep are its principal products.

The trench is not to be sunk deeper than two feet and a half, or shallower than one foot and a half.

Between the Euphrates and the trench was a narrow passage, twenty feet only in breadth.

Mr. Trench appears to have rendered it, "He giveth His beloved in their sleep."

They wanted the timber for planks for trench supports and dug-outs.

Then the trench is evenly filled with earth and the cultivator follows.