Detestable [adjective]

Definition of Detestable:

loathsome, abominable

Synonyms of Detestable:

Opposite/Antonyms of Detestable:

Sentence/Example of Detestable:

It was monstrous that this English damask rose should fall a prey to so detestable a person as the Comte de Lussigny.

Seeing he hath done all these detestable things, he shall surely die, his blood shall be upon him.

Thy foreseeing wisdom takes care to send infatuation upon these detestable men who are so dangerous to us.

He had been known to make away with the materials of Lolly's detestable occupation when he got the chance.

He will blush, then, if he thinks he has rendered himself hateful and detestable in their eyes.

Joyce felt suddenly very young, and she devoutly wished she had never consented to this detestable visit with her manager.

One of the largest and most detestable smells the study had ever had to endure instantly assailed their nostrils.

The next step of her enemies was to procure evidence by means which, in the present day, are accounted detestable.

For my part, with no clear reason in the world, it seemed to me that both Belknap and Orme were very detestable persons.

But of all kinds of dogs, surely the one called a Scotch terrier was the most alarming and detestable.