Endorsed [adjective]

Definition of Endorsed:


Synonyms of Endorsed:

Opposite/Antonyms of Endorsed:

Sentence/Example of Endorsed:

Suppose some one had endorsed the maker's check, then the creditor would probably sue on that in order to hold both parties.

For the additional third, certificates were issued endorsed against future settlement with West Virginia.

All the envelopes were endorsed in Professor Moseley's handwriting; the first with the one word "Filled."

And any action he might take here would be endorsed at Manila?

He endorsed it, went off and returned in ten minutes with the money.

His opinion has been endorsed by most subsequent writers, some of whom are even more positive in their expressions of incredulity.

Alas, what could be hoped when the Church endorsed such absurd doctrines!

It were useless to apply to a long-established leading paper for employment, unless endorsed by some influential name.

I produced my friend's letter, which was endorsed with the stamp of his Command Headquarters.

These intelligent men at once endorsed my statements, and became my friends.