Grudge [noun]

Definition of Grudge:

hard feelings

Synonyms of Grudge:

Opposite/Antonyms of Grudge:

Sentence/Example of Grudge:

An eagerness to promote short-term grievances into long-term grudges is detrimental to family harmony.

Ah, the holiday spirit — and its many ways to bear a grudge.

His stories did what many big-city columnists’ stories have done over the decades, grinding axes and nursing grudges.

I’m not going to sit here and carry a grudge just because people expect me to carry it.

This would be an awful blow to us out here, would be a sign that Providence had some grudge against the Dardanelles.

It was miserable economy indeed to grudge a reward of a few thousands to one who had made the State richer by millions.

I grudge no trouble in the duty that Providence has forced upon me of superintending the lives of any of my girls.

In any case, after the first hours of bitterness, Tchaikovsky bore no grudge against the faithless lady.

Now he had a new grudge against Louis de Valmont; to the sins of the master had been added those of the men.

Henriette, though she bore the child a grudge, could not resist her when she came forward and put up her face to be kissed.