Lying [adjective]

Definition of Lying:


Opposite/Antonyms of Lying:

Sentence/Example of Lying:

What is worse than his lying is the number of people who believe him even when the truth is placed in front of them.

In general, the vast majority of his lying as president has been ad-libbed.

She also wasn’t punished for lying, since the Congressional Human Rights Caucus — now called the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission — amounts to little more than a political PR arena.

This, however, did not apply to the waters lying directly around the Poloe and Flatland groups.

Eggs and nestlings were found lying on the bare soil at the inner ends of the burrows; no nesting material was found.

The Seven-score and four on the six middle Bells, the treble leading, and the tenor lying behind every change, makes good Musick.

Indeed, a score of bodies lying there had not been seen by Malcolm during his first frenzied examination of the house.

Last night I saw Jean Baptiste lying prone upon the floor, and knew that she had beaten him down to it, and he had not resisted.

The man that giveth heed to lying visions, is like to him that catcheth at a shadow, and followeth after the wind.

He went himself to the kitchen, which was a building apart from the cottages and lying to the rear of the house.