Thankless [adjective]

Definition of Thankless:


Synonyms of Thankless:

Opposite/Antonyms of Thankless:

Sentence/Example of Thankless:

I love them dearly; no people could ever be kinder to a thankless creature than they always are to me.

Benson undertook the thankless task of undeceiving the public.

The trade of a basket-maker, when followed in such a manner, is a thankless one.

Law-enforcement is a thankless job whether on Earth or on Mars.

Art, then, so thankless as to deny me the first thing I ask of thee?

The middle course is the most difficult one to take and the most thankless.

It may be a thankless task, but it is one that some of us are standing by.

I love you, and you would be thankless indeed if you ceased to love me.

Such a thankless, heartless departure was enough to put any man out.

What could she be about when, with London a thankless void, she was of course not paying visits?