Cheers [noun]

Definition of Cheers:


Synonyms of Cheers:

Opposite/Antonyms of Cheers:

Sentence/Example of Cheers:

They had a repast together, and Aguinaldo called for cheers for Spain, in which all heartily joined.

Still we received neither cheers nor reinforcements from the population.

Everywhere along the front of Green's division the wild cheers of victory were ringing.

Result—Loud and enthusiastic cheers, amidst which Mr. Plattit-Ewd resumed his seat, having spoken for three-quarters of an hour.

A soldier in one of the regiments stationed at Homestead called upon the line to give "three cheers for the man who shot Frick."

Loud cheers from all sides, and a good-humoured nod from the chairman greeted this announcement.

Gen. Carey, of whose vigorous speech we give but a brief outline, retired amid prolonged cheers.

His majesty was saluted with hearty cheers from the multitude, such as greeted his father in the most palmy days of his reign.

The minority seems to have been much larger than had been anticipated, for the announcement was hailed with loud cheers.

I fancy if any of us had been close by then we would have heard ringing cheers from the Yankee crew.