Complicated [adjective]

Definition of Complicated:

difficult, complex

Synonyms of Complicated:

Opposite/Antonyms of Complicated:

Sentence/Example of Complicated:

Containing the virus isn’t complicated, though it is at times unpleasant.

The whole endeavor will be both financially and politically complicated.

This deadly cocktail to me consists of mixing the most complicated thing — that is, the restaurant experience — with something that is hugely defined, which is sports and competition.

However, if you are conducting complicated technical SEO, then Core Web Vitals will definitely change the way you work in as-yet unexpected ways.

If you want someone else’s behavior to work for your best interests—if you want to extend your phenotype into someone else—it’s often a lot more complicated than just letting them sniff you.

Convincing people to wear masks sounds like it should be easy to fix, but understanding why they’re not wearing masks in the first place is pretty complicated.

Concludes Otis, “It’s an amazing process and it’s really quite complicated.”

Commercially funded journalism and publishers’ relationships — both with audiences, advertisers and social media platforms — is very complicated.

Don’t worry if this sounds complicated, as the respective apps will guide you through the necessary steps when you install them.

“It’s complicated” is probably the best way to describe Apple’s relationship with the advertising industry in recent years.