Discrepancy [noun]

Definition of Discrepancy:

conflict, disagreement

Synonyms of Discrepancy:

Opposite/Antonyms of Discrepancy:

Sentence/Example of Discrepancy:

A buyer, of course, can walk away if the appraisal reveals a massive discrepancy.

The discrepancy can be chalked up to a decline in the average selling price of the products.

There’s going to be discrepancies if you deal with 100 of something.

The PPP loan program, however, has faced discrepancies in how loans were allocated across race and gender.

Those additional terms are expected to be too small to account for the discrepancy.

One reason for the discrepancy is the lack of non-Caucasian faces in datasets from which computer algorithms form a match.

The discrepancy could hint at something amiss with scientists’ understanding of the cosmos.

There is no broadly accepted explanation for this discrepancy.

VOSD’s Will Huntsberry reports that recent history shows that long-known discrepancy could be addressed.

After correcting discrepancies between the ways the various observations referred to locations on Titan, the team realized that the specular reflections all come from a few specific spots.