Gigantic [adjective]

Definition of Gigantic:

very large

Synonyms of Gigantic:

Opposite/Antonyms of Gigantic:

Sentence/Example of Gigantic:

Meanwhile, Microsoft is also butting heads with Amazon over cloud computing, the gigantic business that involves supplying data center computing power to corporate customers.

It’s important to note, however, that our analysis assumes that the non-car, 15% of Tesla’s business also grows at gigantic, 20%-plus rates in the future.

Flashy department stores sprang up in cities, sparkling new malls dotted the suburbs, and big-box stores grew to gigantic proportions around the country.

Fortunately, plasmas can be manipulated using magnetic fields, and so gigantic electromagnets are used to keep the plasma spinning around a donut-shaped reactor called a tokamak.

Maybe a massive computer-science lab or a well-funded medical-device workshop or a flavor-profile laboratory run by a gigantic food company.

He used to walk through the park, and note with pleasure the care that his father bestowed on the gigantic property.

The embankment or road-bed was commenced by gigantic piling, and is very broad and substantial.

The machine penetrated everywhere, thrusting aside with its gigantic arm the feeble efforts of handicraft.

The gigantic pylon, its shoulders breaking the sky four-square far overhead, seemed the prodigious portal of another world.

Emigration is now proceeding with gigantic strides, and is destined for some time to continue.