Insurrectionary [noun]

Definition of Insurrectionary:


Opposite/Antonyms of Insurrectionary:


Sentence/Example of Insurrectionary:

That means holding leaders accountable for encouraging the insurrectionary attempt by deliberately lying to their followers about the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.

Insurrectionary movements at Rome in consequence of the pope's refusal to declare war against Austria.

In March the insurrectionary movement spread from Lombardy to Piedmont.

Practically this Congress was an insurrectionary government, but no blow was struck until the spring of 1775.

I feel some stirrings of the insurrectionary spirit myself when I see the red pantaloons at every turn in the streets of Rome.

Secondly, the insurrectionary career once entered upon, act with the greatest determination, and on the offensive.

One additional incident of this insurrectionary period remains to be noticed.

Santa Anna and Alvarez are the only remaining insurrectionary chiefs in Mexico.

A change in the whole quality of life is something that neither the policeman's club nor an insurrectionary raid can achieve.

Therefore do not waste a single moment trying to devise any sort of insurrectionary movement on the part of the women.