Relishable [adjective]

Definition of Relishable:

nice, pleasant

Synonyms of Relishable:

Opposite/Antonyms of Relishable:

Sentence/Example of Relishable:

One of the most relishable pieces of humor evolved in some time.

A little salt was added, and the meal was one of the most relishable I had ever eaten.

Dredge with flour at least twice, as this makes a crisp and relishable outer crust.

I was sure there was little here that might not be thawed into relishable and nourishing food and drink by a good fire.

The "boys" are caught—it was a "good 'un;" and to the enjoyment of a relishable supper was added a hearty laugh.

For months I entered the ecstatic union, comprehending why the Upanishads say God is rasa , "the most relishable."