Submissive [adjective]

Definition of Submissive:


Opposite/Antonyms of Submissive:

Sentence/Example of Submissive:

There was something about her eyes not unlike the dog's expression, submissive, but questioning.

The officers then could not abide him, though some were submissive to him because of his father's position.

It has been questioned, however, whether in this instance he was not too submissive.

And I wait, submissive to His will, for nothing happens unless He wills it.

The man, the most submissive; the woman, the most affectionate.

The youth retired to obey: he was quite subdued and submissive by this time.

He was submissive to the Abbot, but in the depths of his soul he never ceased to condemn him.

She had always been so submissive, and now he saw she was not to be shaken in her fixed resolve.

With these he thought he could keep the buccaneer contingent in order and submissive.

He felt that he deserved to be humbled in this way, and he tried to be submissive.