Vouch [verb]
Definition of Vouch:
give assurance
Synonyms of Vouch:
● Back
● Vow
● Sponsor
● Witness
● Contend
● Uphold
● Prove
● Verify
● Support
● Certify
● Testify
● Maintain
● Warrant
● Avow
● Okay
● Avert
● Assert
● Affirm
● Confirm
● Assure
● Profess
● Declare
● Cosign
● Say so
● Sign for
● Swear to
Opposite/Antonyms of Vouch:
● Oppose
● Neglect
● Break
● Renounce
● Veto
● Condemn
● Refuse
● Disprove
● Desert
● Disavow
● Reject
● Refute
● Disclaim
● Deny
Sentence/Example of Vouch:
She seemed to take charge, to adopt me with the house, to accept and audit and vouch for us.
It was said, afterwards, we were in five fathoms water at this time, but for this I will not vouch.
I give you the rumour as it has reached me; but I cannot, as yet, vouch for its accuracy.
I can only vouch for its veracity by quoting the famous phrase, "If you see it in the Sun, it is so."
The publisher of this paper will vouch for my entire reliability.
"I'll not vouch for that, even," said Eve, blushing and laughing.
I 'm quite ready to vouch for you, Tom, but you 'll have to take the affair into your own management.
Let him once take an interest in the place and the people, and I'll vouch for the rest.
He was sorry they were not oysters, but the Chablis, he could vouch for.
They who have no memory for the deeds that have been done unless they vouch for future conquests.