Waver [verb]

Definition of Waver:

shift back and forth; be indecisive

Synonyms of Waver:

Opposite/Antonyms of Waver:

Sentence/Example of Waver:

Once there was a waver in the line, such as precedes a rush.

He had settled opinions about Mrs. Roberts now, from which he would not be likely to waver.

Grant did not even look at Phoebe, but his purpose seemed to waver in spite of himself.

She seemed to waver, but stood—speechless, as if waiting for more.

Despite the agony, his gaze did not waver from the video set across the room.

John Baxter continued to waver between this world and the next.

But the resolution which had never failed him before began now to waver.

The outlaw allowed his eyes to waver and he fell with a bullet-hole in his forehead.

The pen in the hand of the justice suddenly began to waver as the hand trembled.

The storm of canister caused them to waver a little, but that was all.