Ruined [adjective]

Definition of Ruined:


Synonyms of Ruined:

Opposite/Antonyms of Ruined:

Sentence/Example of Ruined:

Running the car into the shadow of a ruined house, I try to sleep.

The hot pursuit of the fugitive plunderers had ruined the day.

She always says that she's at her best when she feels that I've ruined her life.

Along the southern face of the position there are no buildings which are not ruined.

It is done—it cannot be undone: I am a weak, ruined, dishonoured wretch!

But the wide wings could never be made again, and the head was ruined.

It was these ruined walls that interested the people on the hill.

Love, that might have ruined, being once subdued, preserved her from all after danger.

Then he walked to the bedroom, and shut himself in with his ruined bass-viol and the darkness.

Why should his spirit be doomed to live on in a ruined home?