Section [noun]

Definition of Section:

division, portion

Synonyms of Section:

Opposite/Antonyms of Section:

Sentence/Example of Section:

I there met young men, many, and not the least noticeable of whom, came from this section.

In what section of the city did most of the working girls, who had no homes, live?

Just now our section of the line is quiet, so I often go and sit there.

The Bunerwals belong to the Yusaf section, of the Yusafzai tribe.

The section tenanted by the family of Shewish lay furthest from the door.

This is the proposition which I intended to enforce in the present section.

Pyroxene, quartz and augite form the groundmass, as seen in section.

The train is 120 ft. long--the same length as that of a section.

In a village in that section there once dwelt a wealthy man.

This section had its banner too, and it was marked, "Our Dead."