Appoint [verb]

Definition of Appoint:

assign responsibility; decide

Synonyms of Appoint:

Opposite/Antonyms of Appoint:

Sentence/Example of Appoint:

The board will appoint a settling agent who shall keep the necessary records and accounts.

Before I set about it I wish to see you and Mr. Fox, and will call any day you may appoint.

If these gentlemen had thought to avoid slippery ground, they should have elected to appoint the meeting elsewhere.

I intend to sail for that place in about a month or six weeks, but shall appoint agents in England to erect these engines.

So I was obliged to appoint somebody whose rank and lofty position under the government would protect him.

These associations began even to appoint councils and officers, and to assume a regular plan of organization.

This morning likewise, we had order to see guards set in all the King's yards; and so we do appoint who and who should go to them.

It was compulsory on each board of guardians to appoint a qualified medical officer, as part of the very first business.

Jenkins had come in search of the Nabob to take him to see the secretary at the Tuileries and to appoint a day.

They took upon themselves to appoint officers, to call the citizens to arms, and to send representatives to foreign Courts.