Cripple [verb]

Definition of Cripple:

disable; make lame

Synonyms of Cripple:

Opposite/Antonyms of Cripple:

Sentence/Example of Cripple:

At one time Myanmar was subjected to harsh sanctions that crippled its economy.

Second, our sense of the possible has been crippled by two decades of helplessness and resignation under the thumb of the tech giants.

Our sense of the possible has been crippled by two decades of helplessness and resignation under the thumb of the tech giants.

During the Nigerian Civil War of the late 1960s, the Nigerian government famously cut off food supplies from the citizens of Biafra, leaving many Biafrans hungry while significantly crippling its military base.

As the immune system tries to fight off the virus, the lungs and those air sacs become inflamed and fill with fluid, crippling their ability to transport oxygen into the blood.

Also in need of scrutiny are the failures that crippled so many public health agencies, up to and including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization.

That would have ended our little Alila's life in a moment, or at least made him a cripple for the rest of his days.

There was, however, only one waggon and that a cripple, and neither carpenters nor smiths were at the station to repair it.

The first of these unfortunates was of the parish of Barking, aged sixty-eight, a painter and a cripple.

For a man only to give a half confidence, is to cripple to that extent the capacity of the one who is responsible.