Diking [verb]

Definition of Diking:

secure, usually with a length of material

Synonyms of Diking:

Opposite/Antonyms of Diking:

Sentence/Example of Diking:

No thought here for the outer world, for poor Piers diking and delving in the fields.

Such grounds are the foundation or starting point of the process of diking.

The coast lands selected for diking-in are always at points where the sea is depositing productive soil.

This process has the same general effects as diking, and therefore cannot be employed without many of the same results.

By diking out the sea the peasants farmed the marsh lands and saved themselves the trouble of clearing the forests.

The cost of preparation and planting where diking has not been necessary has seldom been more than $100 per acre.

Almost instantly a breach began to appear, under the attack of a dozen diking spades wielded with feverish energy.

Next day Will and Ted armed themselves with diking spades, and set to work determinedly.