fallacious [adjective]

Definition of fallacious:

  • Containing or based on a fallacy
  • Deceptive or misleading
  • Illogical
  • Erroneous
  • Unconvincing

Synonyms of fallacious:

Opposite/Antonyms of fallacious:

Sentence/Example of fallacious:

The politician's argument was fallacious, relying on emotional appeals rather than evidence.

Don't be fooled by that advertisement; it uses fallacious claims to sell its product.

Her reasoning was fallacious, jumping to conclusions without considering all the facts.

The study was criticized for its fallacious methodology, leading to unreliable results.

It's important to develop critical thinking skills to identify fallacious arguments.

The argument that organic food is always healthier is a common but fallacious belief.

Social media is rife with fallacious information, so be cautious about what you believe online.

Fallacious claims about climate change can have serious consequences.

A logical fallacy can make a weak argument seem convincing, so be on the lookout for them.

Fallacious advertising tactics prey on people's emotions and vulnerabilities.

Her attempt to justify her actions with a fallacious excuse only made things worse.

The movie's plot relied on a series of fallacious coincidences, making it unbelievable.

Blindly trusting authority figures can lead to accepting fallacious ideas.

His hopes for success were built on a foundation of fallacious assumptions.

Breaking free from fallacious thinking opens the door to a more informed and critical perspective.