Frustration [noun]

Definition of Frustration:

disappointment, thwarting

Opposite/Antonyms of Frustration:

Sentence/Example of Frustration:

Those who were laid off cried, slammed doors, and shouted in frustration.

We put together this user guide to help you navigate Disrupt 2020 with maximum efficiency and minimal frustration.

Nathan Johnson, a representative from TruConnect and a panelist on the town hall, expressed his ongoing frustrations with the California Public Utilities Commission.

“And that was the start of my frustration,” said Cañestro, a professor of genetics, microbiology and statistics at the University of Barcelona and a group leader at its Institute for Research on Biodiversity.

The employees’ frustrations are not only aimed at the leaders atop their companies but also those overseeing individual departments.

They’re tapping into a common, shared frustration people have, and by starting the article this way, they’re immediately putting the reader in a frame of mind to connect emotionally with the content.

This can be a source of frustration for those who operate under Google guidelines since Google has allowed keyword stuffing to trump other ranking factors.

He replied to Kersey’s announcements with frustration about the effort against the senator.

More than a decade of failed negotiations to agree a border followed, to the frustration of all.

I study them because I know it is a source of frustration for so many people.