Marked [adjective]

Definition of Marked:

apparent, obvious

Synonyms of Marked:

Opposite/Antonyms of Marked:

Sentence/Example of Marked:

"They ain't got to makin' calendars yet with the rainy day marked on 'em," he would say.

Marked a small tree with the letter F. close to the waterhole.

Marked a tree close to the camp F 85, being 85th camp from Geraldton.

I marked on the same tree F 81, being our 81st camp from Geraldton.

Marked a white gum-tree F 20, being 20th camp from Geraldton.

Marked a tree sixty yards south of camp F 74, being 74th camp from Geraldton.

The bridge was tremulous beneath me, and marked the tremor of the solid earth.

But the lash of the whip found his face, and marked it for a time worse than the small-pox.

Such is the story of the hole which you have marked, and of the smudge upon the wood.

By the way, I should have told you of one other way in which the Sabbath became a marked day to him.