Propagandisms [noun]

Definition of Propagandisms:


Opposite/Antonyms of Propagandisms:

Sentence/Example of Propagandisms:

There is no spirit of propagandism in the Mussulmans of the Ottoman dominions.

Had she really any life of her own behind all her propagandism?

The dread of a Jacobin propagandism was now all but at an end.

We have attempted no propagandism, and acknowledged no revolution.

These people think that propagandism is the only object that a writer has in view.

In this work of propagandism the missionaries did not forget the red men.

Very little of its vast income is spent in propagandism or organisation.

Those who should have been its support were engrossed by trade or propagandism.

But, besides speech and the press, there are yet other methods of "propagandism."

In the same way we decided at the outset to eschew every form of propagandism.